Tag Archives: tv

Heroes Volume 3 – The Origin of Villains

Heroes - IconHeroes Volume One won near univeral acclaim. Now, as we reach the end of Volume Three, the bandwagon has led most reviewers to be hypercritical of Heroes. This is unfortunate, as they are missing a much deeper storyline than Volume One had to offer.

Volume One wasn’t incredibly deep. It had plot twists and surprise, but any amount of analysis wasn’t required. The plot was always on the surface, and any depth was produced via character interaction. As Volume Two proved, moving character interactions to the surface to function as the primary plot (and shifting the storyline to the backburner) doesn’t work for a show like Heroes. Volume Three went back to the winning plot/interaction mix of Volume One, yet reviewers still love to hate it.

Maybe they’re not ready to forgive Heroes after Volume Two (which remains at the relatively high price point of $30 for half a season). Maybe it’s more fun to rip on a popular show than to understand it. Either way, the character developments of Volume Three are not as confusing as the majority of blogs have led us to believe. Continue reading